Monday, November 21, 2016

Angora wool

Upper left: warm gray (from chestnut agouti)
Lower left: cool gray (from black)
Right: Cream/almond pink (from fawn)

Plucked prime: 2.5-3.5" harvested by hand

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Jakey's 12th birthday!

I'll never know Jakey's real birthday. His rescue paperwork listed him as "12 weeks," but I vaguely remember being told he was 8 weeks. His still somewhat puppy-blue eyes and tiny size told me possibly only 7 weeks. Regardless, it was likely somewhere between late October and early November, so I settled on November 1 to celebrate. I managed somehow to get sidetracked many years so celebrations tended to be on the late side, sometimes merging with our adoption anniversary the week before Christmas. But 12 years was too special to mess up, so I was absolutely determined this year. We shared a 2-layer meatloaf cake with butter-sweet potato frosting and broccoli writing. I initially imagined -- and tried -- writing with tiny, crumbled florets. It was time-consuming, tiring and pretty unreadable. It wasn't until I got to his name and a bit of J-shaped stalk with tiny floret made a lovely funky letter that I switched to an unthought of, and much easier, way to shape the letters. So here it is: Happy 12th B-day Jakey!