Monday, May 30, 2016

Preparing Snickers for the big day

Everything I've read on breeding angora bunnies suggested putting the nest box into the cage on day 28. Yesterday, my gut told me to put it in a day early; it's just as well that I went with my gut. So yesterday I put between 1 and 2 inches of shavings in the bottom of the newly purchased kitty litter pan, covered it with a decent layer of hay and pushed a hole in the hay toward the back (the higher end) of the pan. Last evening, while feeding dinner, I put the nest box into what appeared to be the "clean" side of her hutch. As various breeders had warned, she immediately set to work removing the hay to re-arrange the nest to her liking.

I wondered if I would find that she had removed wool from her hindquarters to line the nest. If not, I would need to pull or brush out some wool myself to create the insulation needed to finish the nest. This is what I found when I fed breakfast this morning:

Yup. All hay removed and box pooped in, with pee in the corner in case I have any questions. Message received.

And on the opposite side of the hutch:

Loud and clear.

My work is cut out for me. Today, I will cut her wool back, and cut her nest wool into tiny pieces to ensure none can wrap around the babies necks and strangle them, clean the litter pan and slide it under her nest, and trim the wool around her nipples to ensure her babies can find them.

And to round out my morning, new pictures of Jake and Luna:

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