Saturday, May 14, 2016

One week later, the ponies are in their new paddock, the bunnies their pen and the dogs been swimming...twice

The ponies in their new paddock waiting for the grass to grow enough to start grazing. It's not looking promising -- we're in a drought mode similar to last year. This time I started watering at the first sign of last year's pattern, where predicted rains petered out to nothing. The watering seemed to work some magic; as long as I watered right up to the day before or even day of the predicted rain, it came. I've slacked off twice and in both cases, the rains didn't come or were way under the predictions.

[pic to come]

The bunnies eat so little grass that my dream of them being my lawn mowers has faded. However, the drought is severe enough that I expect to be able to keep up with the scythe. For the time being, the bunnies mobile hutch remains in the barn. I won't leave them outside overnight until it's warm enough that my windows are open so the pups and I can keep an ear on them.

Today was the second time the boys got to go swimming. The water was already considerably warmer than last Thursday. I wanted to get a pic of them together, but Luna wouldn't cooperate. Maybe next time...

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