Sunday, May 8, 2016

Spring Cleaning Part 2

None of the indoor clearing and cleaning is anything compared to the outdoor transformation of the last few weeks. I unfortunately failed to take "before" pictures, so imagination will have to do. 5 years of neglect while I was in school, and then working more or less full time, made it impossible to keep up. My yard and half my pasture were overrun mostly with brambles, but also with runaway staghorn sumac.

Weeks of cleanup, aided by drought, have left me a wide open side yard with 2 patches of naturalized daylilies and room to start a couple of 12 x 15 or so beds between the daylilies:

 Late afternoon view from the house:

Clearing the path from my yard to the back end of the pasture revealed a 3rd patch of daylilies in a secret rock garden at the base of my backyard wooded slope:

And behind and below the garage I was able to clear a 20 x 100 foot area that will give me a new rotation paddock for the horses. With 2x4 non-climb fencing and hand built pipe gates lined with leftover chicken fencing at either end, it will enable me to move the horses to a lunging ring (to be built) without damaging pasture during mud season, and also be suitable for a goat pen down the road.

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